Industrial Machinery Lubrication System Licensing

Compressed Gas Lubrication System Licensing Opportunity

I am delighted to present my cutting-edge technology for licensing opportunities: the Compressed Gas Lubrication System. This innovative solution promises to significantly elevate the performance of industrial machinery, thereby boosting productivity. In industries like automotive manufacturing, where downtime costs can skyrocket to approximately $50,000 per minute, our system stands to save up to $3 million per hour.

The Compressed Gas Lubrication System utilizes compressed gas to deliver precise and controlled lubrication to components reliant on compressed air, thereby enhancing performance and longevity. This technology boasts exceptional efficiency, minimizing downtime and maximizing throughput.

As the licensor, I am actively seeking partners interested in licensing the Compressed Gas Lubrication System. By doing so, you'll not only reduce downtime and increase throughput for machinery utilizing compressed air but also extend the lifespan of pneumatic components. While the invention may require a prototype and hasn't undergone exhaustive testing, it holds immense potential.

Our patent application, filed with the USPTO under application number 18/027,327 on March 20, 2023, focuses on enhancing a standard FRL lubricator with 14 improvement claims. The FRL lubricator is integral to numerous pneumatic systems, and the outlined enhancements aim to bolster its functionality and efficiency significantly.

Licensing our compressed gas lubrication system grants you access to cutting-edge, untested technology. Rest assured, I'll provide comprehensive support and guidance throughout the licensing process.

Additionally, I'm seeking a contingency sale of the system through an independent salesperson, likely with a state territory arrangement.

For those concerned about compliance with OSHA regulations regarding oil aerosol levels in industrial environments, our invention offers a solution. It prevents violations by ensuring oil levels remain below the permissible threshold, safeguarding worker health.

With 70% of manufacturing in the USA relying on compressed air, the potential impact of our Compressed Gas Lubrication System is substantial.

For further details on this licensing opportunity or to initiate discussions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I look forward to collaborating with forward-thinking partners committed to optimizing their industrial processes and achieving superior levels of performance and efficiency.

U.S. Patent Application No. 18/027,327 filed March 20, 2023


Filing Date:  March 20, 2023

Inventor:  Bruce Wayne SUNDERLAND


Bruce Sunderland


Mar 6, 2019 — OSHA allows up to 4.32 ppm of oil aerosol in a plant's atmosphere if workers will be near the exhaust for a full shift..

In factories when doors and windows are closed during winter if you look up into the lights you'll often see a blue haze around the lights which is from oil mist in the air. I have an invention which the patent office permitted an issue of allowance for it which should prevent the OSHA violation of having more than 4.32 ppm by weight of oil in the air which can cause health illnesses.

It is explained below and could be integrated into machines which use compressed air.

I am looking for a Contingency Patent Broker Deal.

US Patent Appln. No. 18/027,327

70% of manufacturing in USA uses compressed air.

Compressed-Gas Lubrication System


Bruce Sunderland



Compressed Gas Lubrication System | Developer in Pottstown

If you are interested in learning more about my licensing opportunities for the compressed gas lubrication system, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am excited to work with forward-thinking partners who are committed to optimizing their industrial processes and achieving better levels of performance and efficiency.


Send You Message

I would be delighted to hear from anyone interested in learning more about licensing opportunities for my Compressed Gas Lubrication System. My technology can enhance the performance of industrial machinery that uses compressed air, and increase productivity, As the licensor, I am available to answer questions you may have and provide additional information about the licensing process.